WSO2: Insert data into DATABASE using Batch Request
WSO2 makes it easy to insert data into a database using a batch request approach. This efficient method allows you to group multiple insert operations into a single request, reducing
WSO2: Adding API Subscription Approval in API manager
It explains about how to attach a simple approval workflow to the API subscription operation in the API Manager. Adding a custom workflow to API subscription enables the consumer to
WSO2: Publish & Consume Message from Kafka
Kafka provides a high volume of real-time data processing. Basically, Kafka implements a publisher-subscriber model where producer applications publish events to Kafka while consumer applications subscribe to these events. Walkthrough: Create
WSO2: Configuring Dynamic Database Connection in DB Report
Configuring database (DB) connection details can be a critical task for software applications. While parameter values can be specified directly in the code, an alternative approach is to store connection