System Integration

Our System Integration services

When a company adopts a new technology or business process, they face many challenges between their current applications and systems and the complicated software implementation process. Our team has expertise to handle all of your challenging integration & implementation obstacles, including architectural design, testing, debugging, and execution.

Massil offers the following services related to IT System Integration:

Data Integration

We perform data integration services, including merging data in disparate applications, consolidating business processes, and creating Database Management Systems (DBMS) to ensure complete data integrity during the transfer process.

App Integration

Our system integration specialists provide Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) solutions, facilitating seamless communications between mission-critical business platforms.

API Integration

Our software developers utilize networking best practices when integrating custom-built and third-party APIs. The APIs that we build, integrate, and customize add web service functionality to mobile and web applications, and seamlessly synchronize data formats.


We develop enterprise-wide Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) that are designed to deploy all services related to business processes, technical tasks, and data access using the same business logic interface and integration services.

The right tools and systems to grow your mortgage business are more accessible than you think.

With over a decades of experience, we offer wide spectrum of Enterprise consulting services, partnering with you on your journey
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Use Cases

Data Analytics

These days, data analytics has become an integral part of doing business. In every industry, organizations are creating repositories of big data from which they hope to glean valuable insights. However, before organizations can run reports, perform analytics or glean insights, they first need to collect all their data into one place and get it into the proper format for analysis.

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