How to manage the API lifecycle in Mulesoft?

How to manage the API lifecycle in Mulesoft?

A Modern business needs flexibility to cope-up with the high-paced market. This criterion calls for networks that have interchangeable functionality. The business can achieve it by creating application building blocks with dedicated and agile characteristics and putting them together with well-optimized APIs.

The Application Network

Connecting API-enabled microservices with API strategic approach creates a composable network. How? The network lets the business quickly club different services of multiple functionalities according to the demand, allowing the business to be agile and innovative.

Application Building Block: Analysis

Composed of application building blocks, an application network has multiple elements. It is necessary to have separate knowledge on the area of each of their impacts. 

The building blocks have features similar to good products and should be considered as a product.

Application Building Block: Lifecycle management

Building Block life cycle has three stages:


Design an API

The API designer must start with an outside-in perspective. After that:

  • Identify process and business requirements 
  • Create a logical data model 
  • Translate it into logical service or API groupings


The API developers must design the API Contract first, which includes:

  • Model API resources
  • Model API operations/methods
  • Model request/response payload/codes


Now the API designer is ready to validate the API and test it with the API Customers. 

  • Mockup the API
  • Publish interactive console
  • Create Notebook and use cases
  • Receive developer feedback


Repeatability and repeatability across other APIs decide how well-designed the API is. To check that:

  • Modify appropriate API design basing developers’ feedback
  • Continue to validate


Avoid Ad-Hoc Fashion, Connect Systematically

Next-generation enterprise requires API connection to a backend and interconnection to be in a systematic manner.

Include best API Practices and Design Principles

Benefits of including best practices are:

  • Increased Business agility
  • Offer prescribed procedures with reusable formats and logic.
  • Grasp best practice patterns.
  • Deploy APIs rapidly


The API providers are now ready to test the API. Test automation tools are vital in the process as it merges into DevOps processes.


Accept DevOps

Reduce time-to-production with DevOps-focused processes. A lightweight hybrid integration platform is the key to seamless support.

Securely govern All traffic

Apply policies at runtime to ensure that the application building blocks are backed by best security practices and architectural governance. This calls for the need to monitor.

Discoverability and On-Ramp

The business needs to publish its APIs appropriately to ensure that developers find, research, and understand the APIs. It will enrich the business’ API visibility among thousands of APIs in the application network.

Change in Application Building Blocks

Building Blocks change with time. The business must have carefully planned policies, procedures, and platforms to handle client migration effortlessly.

Business API lifecycle should be managed efficiently and logically to make the most of it. Proper Backup plans are necessary to manage the shift of clients to updated API versions. For more information, please visit,

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