Spring Boot Application: How to Read an Excel File & Save Row Into a Database Table?

Spring Boot Application: How to Read an Excel File & Save Row Into a Database Table?

In order to seamlessly read data from an Excel file and effortlessly store each row into a database table within your dynamic Spring Boot application, leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as Apache POI for adept Excel file handling and harnessing the power of Spring Data JPA for streamlined database operations is highly recommended. Let us guide you through the meticulously crafted steps that will pave the way for a seamless integration process.

Step 1:

To read Excel sheets, add the Apache POI dependency, and for database operations, include the necessary dependencies such as Spring Data JPA in your pom. xml.

Step 2:

Create an entity class that represents the structure of your database table. Here, we are using ‘GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType. IDENTITY)’ for the “rollId” variable. The database generates primary key values during the insertion of a new record.

Step 3:

Create a repository interface that extends ‘JpaRepository’ for your entity.

Step 4:

Create a service class that handles reading an Excel file. Provide the file path location, and it will create a new ‘FileInputStream’. Use ‘WorkbookFactory.create’ from Apache POI to create a Workbook object from the FileInputStream, which represents the entire Excel workbook.

Use ‘workbook.getSheetAt(0)’ to select the first sheet of the Excel file. If your Excel file has multiple sheets, you may need to iterate over the sheets or choose a specific sheet based on your requirements.

Iterate over each row in the selected sheet to create a new instance of the Student class, which presumably represents an entity in your data model. Save this data in the database.

A sample Excel file is being created to read the data. There is no need to provide the rollId values as they are automatically generated from the database.

Step 5:

Create a controller to expose this functionality via a REST endpoint.

Result: The data has been saved in the database table, maintaining continuity with the previous data.

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